Packing List.

What should my child bring to camp?

Traditional Camps

  • Sufficient clothing for your time at camp (remember, modesty prevails)

  • Bathing suit or swim trunks (no bikinis, speedos, or suits revealing midriff)

  • Sheets (twin size), pillow, blanket or sleeping bag

  • Towels, wash cloths, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb/brush & other toiletries

  • Sunscreen & bug spray

  • Bible, pencil/pen, notebook, flashlight & mission money (optional)

  • Do not bring cell phones, pets, radios, music players, prank items, weapons, or snacks

Wilderness Camps

  • All the above items and…

  • Plastic tote to pack everything in (keeps items dry)

  • Long sleeve shirt or hoodie, extra jeans, rain jacket, extra shoes

  • Flashlight & extra batteries

  • A “mess kit” or bowl, fork, spoon & cup to use for meals

  • Canteen or reusable water bottle

  • Air mattress (optional)

Buddy Day Camp

  • Swimsuit, towel & sunscreen

  • Extra outfit

  • Your buddy!

What is not allowed to be brought to camp?

  • Pets

  • Cell Phones

  • iPod or other music playing devices

  • Weapons or prank items

  • Snacks (Campers receive 2 snack times daily and food in the dorms will lead to pests)

  • Spaghetti strap tops, shirts that show off the midriff, open side shirts, as well as short or tight fitting shorts. Campers will be asked to change if wearing these items.